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She also disintegrated massive amounts of spaceship material with her photon blast.Ĭarol also arguably did the most individual damage to the army in endgame. These cause massive amounts of damage and were stated to be capable of wiping out all life on earth and while CM obviously isn't planetary she is well into the extremely large city range in sheer durability potentially.Ĭarol no sold rainfire which was able to one shot leviathans and they decimated avengers HQ and she took multiple hits repeatedly with no damage.Ĭarols photon blasts are also nothing to be trivaled with. We are shown how powerful the missiles CM no sold are earlier in the movie. She also no sold an explosion that dwarfed a nuclear one in size. Thor legit is never seen after this headbutt so it is safe to assume he is completely KOed.

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That sends opponents flying and seemingly disintegrates a large portion of this metal bridge.ĬM also dwarfs them in physical strength as she caught a building sized missile heading towards earth at supersonic speeds and overpowered its thrust and threw it miles into the air back into the other missiles this is in the hundred thousand ton plus range and she overpowered Thanos who is stronger than Thor who moved millions of tons in infinity war.ĬM also no sold a head butt from Thanos the same Thanos ragdolled Ironman and temporarily incapacitated Thor with a that same headbutt the same Thor who survived the Sokovia explosion and getting thrown from the bifrost at massively supersonic speeds. Her normal punches can also create a large AOE. The middle of the ships don't just break the points were she hits them completely disintegrate nearly instantly. This bruise is exactly were CM punched Thanos and it wasn't' there before their fight.Ĭaptain Marvel constantly hits hard enough to completely disintegrate the spaceships she hits as well. Her base punches scale to Hulks as she did more damage to Thanos with two punches then Hulk did in nearly ten actually bruising thanos as seen here on Thanos' cheek. Her bullrushes are outputting hundreds of thousands of tons of force CM can one shot both without gear with a bullrush. CM has every advantage on them some feats.Īn accuser ship was able to remain mostly intact after this.CM flew through one like butter

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Has never used the trident in that fashion and frankly I don't think he could if he tried.

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